Triumphal arch of antoninus pius timeline
Marcus aurelius
Corinthian columns on piers to either side of the arch opening (front and rear).
Triumphal arch of antoninus pius timeline
– Rostra and Temple of Antoninus Pius excavated as Pope Paul III’s contractors scour the Forum, dismantling the temples of Divine Julius and Csator and Pollux, in search of marble .
Triumphal arch of antoninus pius timeline of events
Antoninus Pius, Hadrian’s adopted heir and successor, mimics his predecessor’s appearance in his official portraits—thick curly hair and a curly, closely-trimmed beard.
Triumphal arch of antoninus pius timeline chart
ROMAN MONUMENTAL ARCHES THE purpose of the present paper is to discuss briefly the origin of the so-called "triumphal arch," and to describe in chronological order such examples .